Monday, August 24, 2009

Radio Interview today

I got to spend a while on WINA around lunchtime.

There is a streaming version available at

A downloadable mpeg is available here:

I come in about 11 minutes into the clip.


Bailey said...

Hey brother David,

Thanks for posting this bit, as it was nice to place a voice to the various reflections between you and the Father which have become integrated within many of our spirits since the advent of your blog.

I thought the discussion with Greg was interesting when it approached the dialogue concerning 'repentance'. As we have both become aware, the meaning of a word often determines a specific interpretation and any promiscuous variance entertained within a specific word's essence will often introduce variant interpretations.

There is the sense that many of those who look to Joshua the Anointed One do not always have a firm grasp regarding what the concept of repentance - or metanoia, meant at the time the term was coined. Perhaps we all fall into this category to an extent ...

Many people who I speak with will often say that this 'metanoia' is simply saying, 'I'm sorry', to the Father, and I often encourage those who respond with this definition that such a view is a good start indeed.

Yet, there is the sense that admitting our faults and feeling a certain conviction to confess them is but only the beginning of a paradigm shift.

For me, in a nutshell, this requirement has become one of a demand concerning this paradigm shift; a transition, that is, from 'guilt sacrifices' - or perhaps bribery, to 'agape offerings' - or obedience, as a vehicle to transport those who are searching after the Father's heart.

Awesome stuff brother Dave - please keep on pressin' towards the Anointing, as it seems your adoption as resulted in your deployment as a cinder - a cinder that the Father is using to set a fire in our bones - lol !!

btw - the link for the downloadable mpeg you provided was a separate bit from the same day that featured John Whitehead and Bill Hay. To hear the Dave's interview, try clickin' here.

In the name of our Lord, Joshua the Anointed One, peace be with you brother David.

One Love

Steve said...

Keep in mind that the literal meaning of metanoia is "change of mind," which doesn't necessarily refer to repentance in the sense we've been taught to think about it over the last 2,000 years.

When I read the Gospel of Mark and hear Jesus say, "The Kingdom of God is at hand, Metanoiete, and believe in the gospel," I interpret that as meaning, "Change your mind about who God is. God is not the judge holding you over the fires of hell. He is the loving father who wants to bring everyone into his kingdom." Maybe the biggest sin we need to "repent" of is seeing God the wrong way.

Part of the problem is that Jerome badly mistranslated metanoiete as "paenitemini", "do penance." Jerome was, at best, a second-rate translator and screwed up lots of stuff in the Vulgate, and we've been paying a huge price in western Christianity ever since.

David Rudel said...

I don't see any reason to believe the word John, Jesus, and the apostles used in evangelizing refers to anything other than what the prophets told people to do in the OT...which always referred to repenting of wicked deeds and unfaithful living.

David Rudel said...

Bailey, thanks for catching the erroneous URL. I have fixed it.

Bev said...

Amen, David. I agree with your comment here about the meaning of repent.

Too bad you didn't have more time in the interview. Interaction with more callers could have been enlightening to many.

Unknown said...

David, this is a totally in appropriate forum to ask..but have you heard from Patrick Pierce lately? I am a bit worried. Could you forward contact information to me? Please forgive the mis-use of your blog for personal inquires...I tried to see an email address here to write you off line, but failed to see a way to do so. Just an idea, but perhaps a personal contact mechanism on this site could be helpful. BTW...I read your site faithfully! Congratulations on your new marriage!

David Rudel said...

James, please write me at

Anonymous said...

"When I read the Gospel of Mark and hear Jesus say, "The Kingdom of God is at hand, Metanoiete, and believe in the gospel," I interpret that as meaning, "Change your mind about who God is. God is not the judge holding you over the fires of hell. He is the loving father who wants to bring everyone into his kingdom." Maybe the biggest sin we need to "repent" of is seeing God the wrong way."

Steve this is the exact conclusion that I myself have come to. Romans 2 states the the kindness of God leads us to repentance. When God's love was revealed to me it changed the way I thought about Him which in turn changed the way I acted toward Him and others. We love because He first loved us.

David Rudel said...

Steve and Nimblewell,

I don't think this interpretation of the term can really hold. I don't know of a single instance of the term being used in the NT and it not meaning "to repent."

Perhaps the clearest example that Jesus means repent comes from Matthew 11:21 and Matthew 12:41 (both are in Luke as well)... the reference to Jonah is unmistakeable.

Also, the interpretation you are suggesting would tend to fly in the face of Mark 9:42-48, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 25:31-46, and several other passages.

David Rudel said...

I would Luke 3:10-18 to the list of passages worth considering on this question. We are told that John's gospel was the same as Jesus' at this point [note Matthew 3:2], and the specific instructions given in the Lukan version are called "the gospel" and refer to repentance in the traditional meaning of the term.