Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Gospel Jesus Preached

I made a Youtube video today on the Gospel Jesus Preached.


Paul Phelps said...

For a long time this topic needed public presentation so I'm indeed glad of the book and the website.

My website: "New Earth Inheritance Writings" touches many of these themes:
it displays in both Chinese and English text.

Paul Phelps

sweetdreams said...

I am enjoying your search and must say I agree with most of your findings. I plan to spend more time on your blog. I think you have presented a very clear explanation of what the Gospel is not, I'm still trying to understand what you think it is. But I will keep reading as you keep writing.

David Rudel said...

Thanks, both of you.
I would love to get this video out into the broader consider yourself invited to embed or link to it elsewhere ;)

David Rudel said...

I think the "Gospel Story" post does a pretty good job of laying out my views, but you might also want to read chapters 8 and 9 of my book.

Chapter 8

Chapter 9